Sunday, February 14, 2010


Scarecrow by Giovanni Auriemma

In Giovanni's words:
"I create works of computer art trying to combine the 'human' warmth of ink or the sign of oil-painting with photographic images, even if at the end the latter gets the better of it. I like to contradict the predictability of the photographic picture, inserting unexpected and unusual elements... Of course I am influenced by several artists and tendencies, but dadaism and surrealism are my foremost sources of inspiration. Lately I utilize as models the bodies of elderly men: I'm fascinated by the lack of symmetry, the complexity of the skin and the unusual beauty which permit me to transmit my personal sensations/obsessions or to reinvent ancient myths."
(Giovanni Auriemma via MOCA website)

Many of Giovanni's images reminded me of the paint machine exercise for those of us that chose to use human images and combine them with computerized special effects.

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