This artwork immediately drew my attention from the title Harlequin, which just so happens to be the name of the Joker's sidekick from the Batman comics. While the comic character is a girl, this photo seems to be of a boy wearing a simple sweatshirt. I think the artist used Photoshop and made layers out of two photos. First laying down the background layer which could possibly be a photo of shallow water, such as a pond with underlying rocks, and made it into a grayscale picture. Using the same effects we used for the oil painting project it makes the image crystalized. The next step was to lay down the image of the boy, which was then faded out so it is almost transparent but had a glow effect added to it, though it is also grayscale the "glow" appears as mear dark shading, but really makes this image pop out at the viewer.
From the Submit Digital Artwork website where some of Gun's work is showcased:
"Hi, I am Gun Legler from Sweden. I live together with my cat Simon in a little village near GothenburgOn the outside I am old, but young inside :-)For so long I can remember, I have enjoyed expressing myself through any kind of art or craft. Until I was 40 I worked as a child psychologist and pre-school teacher, but after that I said goodbye to my profession and began studying at an art school. There I stayed for four years, mainly learning Graphic art (etching, dry needle and linoleum cut). I was a lousy oil painter, that medium did not fit me at all, watercolor I liked better.For many years I made collages of different kind, watercolor and textile. I grew up with a mother that sewed and a father that built violins, so I early fell in love with textures of many kinds.I work very much by intuition when I make an image, experimenting wildly with layers, textures, color and light. But the form is equally important, that‘s what Graphic school taught me."
I forgot to mention this was the week 2 MOCA assignment.