Hi, my name is Valerie Lincoln and I have two very exciting things happening this year. I will be graduating in May with my Bachelor's Degree - yiippee!!!, and I will also celebrate my 50th birthday in April with a Red Carpet birthday celebration and I am very excited about that. I need one elective and wanted to take something fun and exciting and I am sure this class will do just that. I have a 14 year old daughter soon to be 15 in April also and have already told her that college is a MUST after high school. I have enjoyed the last four years here at AMC but will be glad when it comes to an end as I have not read one book for pleasure since I have been in school, never mind the magazines that I am also behind in (smile). I do want to pursue my Master's but not until my daughter finishes high school as I do not want to miss any more of her sporting events. Well enough about me as I am very excited about starting. PS: I have to give big KUDOS to Nicole Germain. I sent her an email asking for help and she came through like a shining star - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! PSS: Find me at fotothing.com/valerie410.
so glad to see you got it worked out valerie! beautiful picture!